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Activism or Life?

Hey everyone,


Thanks for checking out our blog. We hope you find the content worthy of a read and share. I wanted to leave a personal note as I was inspired by another newsletter from Emily Horton, a piece titled ‘Rest: a political act of resistance’. So here I am taking a moment to reflect and process the past few months, walking myself through recent experiences to share them with you. A reflection on our multifaceted existence.


It's been quite a journey since I joined Amnesty UK's Anti-Racism Network Committee a few months ago. Joining this committee has opened my eyes and transformed me in ways I hadn’t anticipated. One thing that's become crystal clear to me is that activism isn't just a side gig or something you pick up and put down— it becomes part of who you are.


As a member of the Committee, I’ve been lucky to engage in a variety of activities, from speaking at network launches and national conferences to collaborating on critical campaigns. Recently, for instance, we developed and released our Pocket Guide to Anti-Racism together. This project not only brought us closer as a team but also deepened our contribution to the cause. Meanwhile, we've been active in the Prevent Campaign, working with activists worldwide around the UK.


Life, however, has its own plans. This year also brought significant personal challenges. My aunt, who moved from Jamaica during my high school years, battled cancer that went into remission but unfortunately returned come December. My family rallied around her, with my mother making lengthy trips to offer support. Simultaneously, we faced the sudden loss of my father in October— a profoundly life-altering event that left me grappling with a mix of emotions and reflections on mortality and the meaning of life. Also, whilst engaged with funeral arrangements and the rush of increased contact that comes from family and friends who mean well, that want to check in more regularly. Phone are sometimes our friend and sometimes feel like our worst enemy.


Around the same time, Elianna Andams’ death reached international news. The circumstances around her death reminded me of the potential consequences of our actions when dealing with others who are clearly not well meaning, however momentarily.  As time passed, I noticed the memorial at the bus stop she passed away at shrinking to just a few items, and then being replenished. —a emotional symbol of how, though life moves on, we don’t forget.


Even as I dealt with personal losses, crises like the war and famine in Sudan were unfolding, demanding urgent collective action. These events have reinforced a powerful lesson: our lives and activism are not separate; they are deeply intertwined. Our responsibilities—be they to family, work, or activism—don’t detract from our commitment. Instead, they enrich it.


The world, our world, is intersectional and nuanced. Dependent on the season in our lives and how they intersect with others we’re involved with.


Before I wrap up, I want to stress the importance of mutual support. Something I’ve been heavily reliant on whilst planning a house move - which feels like it’s taking forever and a day – along with everything else. Others and I have found time for me and volunteered to help me move too. This year has been destabilising emotionally, to say the least. Whether you’re giving support, receiving it, or both, we all play a role in forging a just and compassionate world. Amid the chaos, don’t forget to take time for yourself and appreciate those who stand by you. It’s not merely about choosing between activism or life—it's about integrating the two, as we connect and relate to others.


To my fellow activists, whether you feel your role is small or large, thank you for being part of this journey. Let's keep standing together, advocating for what matters and supporting each other every step of the way.


Much love,



Book recommendations:

Rest Is Resistance: A Manifesto - Tricia Hersey

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